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» » » » If I Could Be Like Kim: Why are Kim K and 'em Role Models?

Unknown 09:24 0

Why are we so fascinated with mediocre women who got lucky off sex tapes and dating rappers?

By: Amanda Anderson

It all began with a sex tape. The infamous (and lackluster) sex tape that made Kim Kardashian go from a nameless flunky of Paris Hilton's, to a D-List celebrity that became a quick favorite for the gossip blogs to plaster all over the internet, with equally uninteresting gossip bytes. A no-talent star was born as she played the role of the ex girlfriend who videotaped her sexual romp with a has been R&B star that had mysteriously leaked to a porno company. While she walked away with an easy $5 million from the incident, she actually got what she really wanted more than a few millions: stardom. This pathetic route to "importance" has fooled many little black girls and black women into thinking that this is somehow someone that they should imitate, a woman to be praised, and a path that could possibly generate the same "success." They too hope to lie on their backs and become famous millionaires and date promiscuous NFL players just like Ms. Kardashian and her bratty siblings. What's so great about this lifestyle, I'll never understand besides the money, but to many it's the sweetest thing they'll never know.

I'm just trying to understand when superficial talent-less reality star chicks became the role model type.

Now if you think Kim Kardashian is no real threat to society besides boring us with her tired love life full of professional athletes and spats with just as equally purpose-less fame whores (see Amber Rose), Lawrence Fishburne's daughter Montana Fishburne's recent remarks regarding her claim to fame via cheap porno flicks suggest otherwise. Here's what she said when asked why she decided to pursue porn:

"I've watched how successful Kim Kardashian became and I think a lot of it was due to the release of her sex tape."

Is this what it has come down to? Emulation of some of the most worthless women Hollywood has even seen?

Do we not know of any other role models in the community who didn't have to result to sex tapes, an unhealthy plastic surgery obsession, and an unhealthy need to date promiscuous professional athletes?

What happened to praising women who really made a difference to the world by their intelligence, strength, and touch of class?

Most importantly what happened to us? Why on earth are we praising ex-strippers who screw rappers for a living verses women who have made their own legacy based off their drive and willingness to work hard in their respective fields?

Why are we uplifting women who clearly love nothing more than unearned fame, expensive shiny things, and rich men with nasty reputations?

We'd rather praise Amber Rose for being passed around in the industry as a bald headed eye candy like skeezer than praise the sister who started her own business so she could be in control of her own destiny.

Instead of watching CNN and keeping up with the world around us, we prefer Keeping up with the Kardashians as if they are interesting enough to have their own show in the first place.

And then when someone doesn't agree that Kim Kardashian is fabulous, some crazed lunatic will quickly tell you that you are hating.

Yes. Everyone should be jealous of a woman who purchased her booty, I mean beauty, has no real skills or talents, and made her first fortune off of a sex tape she made with Brandy's little brother.

I'm just oozing with jealousy.

Meanwhile, I went to college, graduated with honors, and started my own business before the age of 30. Instead of lying on my back for success, I got up off my ass and got a good education. And then I worked hard to put my dreams in motion, while Kim was giving Ray J a blow job in hopes of landing on E Network.

And there are plenty of black women like me. We would never place our future in the hands of any man, no matter how dope his big sister's music used to be back in the day. To us, it's just too risky to give someone that much power. And most importantly, we love ourselves a little too much to sell ourselves short and die with a legacy that was built on a raggedy ass sex tape.

Now you can balk and admire any woman as you see fit, but I'm reserving my praise for the women who love themselves enough to create their own paths. And when you really think about it, those are the only type of women worthy of praise, and the only ones that your need to imitate could actually lead you to a life of earned success and respect.

Your entire life will be shaped by the ones that you choose to admire.

So who's your role model?
