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» » » » The W.O.W. Effect: Tyra Banks Set To Launch New Wig Line

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Supermodel encourages wigs over weaves with upcoming wig line.

By: Taren Vaughan

Supermodel Tyra Banks has traveled down many different avenues in the fashion and entertainment industry. Posing in front of flashing cameras and taking trips down the Catwalk are things that Tyra knows ever so well and through America’s Next Top Model has strived to help aspiring models make a name for themselves in the competitive world of fashion. She has even held her ground well as a talk show host of a self-titled show. Her list keeps growing from year to year as she is constantly taking on new business ventures.

And now it is about to grow even more as it has been said that she is on the verge of launching a new wig line.

Banks’ inspiration came from her own personal encounters with her own hair. She has been said to be noticing changes in her hairline, which in turn is causing her to reveal her forehead more often:

“Tyra's hairline has been inching back over the last few years, showing more and more of her forehead,” -source to National Enquirer.

Perhaps a tad bit self conscious about pushing those bangs to the side, Tyra Banks still gives off the “I am woman hear me roar” vibe when speaking to her female audiences about their appearance, especially Black women.

“Kiss my fat ass” still ring a bell?

As an African American woman, Banks knows firsthand the negative comments that often come our way about our size, style of dress and our hair. Rockin’ your God-given mane was not an acceptable option for sisters. But now times are beginning to change as more and more Black women are saying no to the “creamy crack” in a bucket.

Her support for natural beauty is apparent as she has relieved her own hair from weaves. And with Banks’ upcoming wig line, it seems to be promoting doing less damage to your hair while still adding a little something extra to it.

The wig line release date is not set in stone at the moment.
