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» » » » » Sound Off: What Is Tupac’s Greatest Hit?

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From his long list of hits, readers give their take on late Hip-Hop superstar Tupac Shakur’s best song of all time.

By: Taren Vaughan

This week, many people’s focus was centered on the anniversary of the 9/11 attack on the United States. Special ceremonies and gatherings to honor those who lost their lives in the tragic event took place all over the country. As September 11th marked a grave loss for hundreds of families, 15 years ago today, the world of Hip-Hop lost a heavyweight in the game; some even claim him to be the greatest of all time.

Truth teller, street poet, rebel, philosopher…Tupac Shakur has been said to have taken on these titles and much more. Often the center of controversy, Shakur was no stranger to troublesome behavior but that doesn’t mask the fact that he had raw talent when it came to lyrics. 2Pac told stories and kept it real with fans about what was going on in the world. He had the ability to create a track that was coined a club hit, and at the same time, he could leave you with a song that really made you think and even led you to the point of tears. Looking back on the legacy that he left behind, some of our readers were asked which one of his songs they would deem as his greatest of all time:

“Dear Mama is the best dedication song that any rapper has ever done. This song relates to me on so many different levels. I have the utmost respect for my mother and all that she has done for me and every time I hear this track, I can’t help but to shed a tear or two. This song is just a solid reminder of how talented Tupac Shakur really was”

Rodney B.
Age: 32
Marietta, GA

“Unlike many artists of today, Tupac Shakur rapped about real life situations. To me, Brenda’s Got A Baby was his greatest hit. The song and the video were both huge eye openers to many important issues that some young black women are enduring every day; having to prostitute themselves to feed their families, watching their parents abuse drugs right in front of their eyes and becoming a teenage mother. The song kept it real about the things that were going on. To me that’s one thing Pac did best was bring truth and realism to his lyrics”

Brayden C.
Age: 24
Columbia, SC

“We all know 2Pac was a philosopher, a poet in his own right. But one thing I always loved about him was that he also had a fun side to him. When I Get Around came out, I remember first hearing the song at a pool party in my neighborhood. From that day on, I kept that song on repeat for like a month. By far, one of, if not his greatest hit of all time”

Xavier R.
Age: 35
Oakland, CA

“Just like many G.O.A.T.’s, Tupac’s list of hits goes on for days. His serious songs were timeless and so were his club bangers. They still get airplay even years after his death. After some real thought and hearing some of his songs on the radio this morning, I would have to say that Keep Ya Head Up was his greatest song of all time. Who could forget Jada Pinkett-Smith’s cameo appearance in the video? Keep Ya Head Up showed Pac’s sensitive side. It was nice to see a rapper uplift the black woman, taking a moment away from all the disrespectful s**t that floods the airwaves nowadays. It also touched on world issues of poverty too which is still a huge problem today”

Alyssa W.
Age: 38
Knoxville, TN

What do think was Pac’s greatest hit?
