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» » » » » » Pumps To Pumas: Can Singer Keri Hilson Revive The Sneaker Line?

Unknown 09:52 0

By: Taren Vaughan

Singer Keri Hilson has been applauded for her versatility when it comes to her wardrobe. Whether it be walking the Red Carpet in a pair of stilettos or wearing a pair of jeans and a pair of fresh J’s, the R&B hit maker can turn almost any piece of clothing into something pretty fab…well almost everything.

Hilson has recently been recruited as the new poster girl for Puma. And as we all know, Puma can’t hold a candle to other big name shoe brands like Nike, Adidas and New Balance as far style and durability are concerned. Even the long lost Reeboks are coming back in style. But they are bound and determined to get their sales up and decided that they needed to become a little more social:Link

Keri Hilson in Puma Social Video

Photo shoots, brief tidbits on her charity work, and hanging out with friends in the UK starring Keri sums it all up.

Didn’t entice me to hop in my car and go on a Puma spending spree after watching this.

And apparently, it didn’t tickle the fancy of her fans either. The Puma Social webisodes so far have gotten around a whopping 3,500 views on YouTube; 3,500 views compared to the millions of views for her musical performances, videos and interviews. They just weren’t feeling it.

It doesn’t seem like this stunt brought much hype to the form stripes at all. It’s not like she’s rockin’ a pair of retro Jordans. You could put the lamest artist in a pair of those and they would still sell with the quickness.

You would think having one of the top R&B chicks in the game to promo for you would be enough to push sales, put Puma in some real competition with the other hot sneaker brands on the market.

Truth be told, Pumas haven’t been in style for a minute now. And using the likes of a popular artist as a means to bring them back to life: epic fail.
