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» » » The Budget Belle: Fab Designers That Won't Ruin Your Budget

Unknown 16:51 0

By: Amanda Anderson

Love fashion, but can't afford the styles from the runway that you love? Here are the top designers that will give you great fashion, without breaking the bank.

1. Simply Vera

Vera Wang is fashion designer to some of the most stylish celebrities, and notoriously known for designing some of the most beautiful and expensive wedding gowns I’ve ever seen. As a result of the recession, Wang and many other high end designers, having taking a cure from the economy and created budget friendly fashion lines. Target is one of the first chains to begin partnering with high end designers, but Kohl’s was the pnly department store that was able to convince Wang to bring her lower priced designs to the department store.

The Simply Vera line is a wide range of fabulous dresses, accessories, tops, bags, and more.

2. Jessica Simpson

Jessica Simpson may have became a household name after her adorable ditziness on her MTV based reality show as a Newlywed, and a few hit singles; but she's expanded her resume since calling it splits with Nick Lackey and MTV. The woman hasn't put out an album in years, but she's well on her way to becoming one of the biggest celebrity fashion designers we've ever seen. And it has little to do with savvy marketing campaigns, but everything to do with great designs, affordability, and comfort..

With an extensive line of chic handbags, curvy inspired jeans, stylish jewelry, and fabulous clothing; Simpson has managed to create a fashion empire that is dominating department stores everywhere.

The reason why Simpson's clothing line remains one of the most sold in an industry of crowded fashion is due to her constant ability to combine affordability with comfort. Jessica Simpson has some amazing shoes, and although they are gorgeous, they feel absolutely amazing on your feet. If you haven't gotten into Jessica Simpson's line, you're missing out on some great and affordable fashion.

3. Merona

Target has come a long way from our favorite and convenient drug store chain, and has now become a fashion portal, connecting high end designers and shoppers on a budget.

While there have been many great designers to collaborate with Target such as Thakoon and Zac Posen, Merona is another line that has dominated Target's fashion scene for quite some time. Celebrated for it's dedication to keeping up with the trends and true to your budget; it's the biggest reason you should be shopping at Target.

4. Carlos Santana

Carlos Santana may have established himself as a legendary guitar player, but his collection of shoes is on well on its way to legendary as well.

Bold and fabulous, Carlos Santana shoes are truly in league of their own. The designs are very runway meets classic, and while the shoes may look like a thousand bucks, they are always available at a department store price that will make this line of shoes one of your favorites in no time.

Each of these clothing lines are ranged from $40-$85.

While this is a small list of great fashion labels that won’t cost you a fortune, there are many other designers jumping onboard the affordable fashion trend. Most high end designers are partnering with some of your favorite stores such as Target, Kohl’s and JCPenny’s; while many others prefer to sell in small boutiques and online shops. If you have a favorite end designer who could use a little more exposure, keep an eye on them and you may discover that they are in the process of creating an affordable fashion line as well.

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