One Small Step for Blacks, One Giant Leap for Reality TV
Omarosa's new dating show doesn't rely on the same old stereotypes that have placed blacks in an unfavorable light during the era of reality television.
By: Angela Allen
By: Angela Allen
When you hear the name Omarosa, what comes to mind? Angry black woman? Attitude? Sassiness? For many, this is the case. But, these qualities have led her to success, and have earned her the respect and help of Donald Trump to find her “true love” (if that’s what you call the result of reality dating shows these days) on TV One’s “The Ultimate Merger”. The former “Apprentice” contestant has gained what many would call a negative reputation. Despite that, she has done something positive.
Dating shows that are shown on networks such as VH1, MTV and BET (“Flavor of Love,” “I Love New York,” and “For the Love of Ray-J” to name a few) aren’t what you’d call respectable. Black women on these shows are generally represented as classless, promiscuous, foul mouthed, desperate, barely clothed, uneducated sexual objects.
Black men have continuously chosen black women who fit these characteristics to participate on these dating shows, which is doing nothing less than feeding non-black-minds with confirmation of truth to these negative stereotypes of black women. This gives young girls, (black girls in particular) the wrong image to aspire to imitate, and represents the black man as nothing but a selfish being who only thinks of sex when choosing a mate.
Omarosa has twisted the norm, and is the intelligent black woman who has taken it upon herself to place intelligent black men who have respectable resumes on her dating show. She has not only given these men an avenue to represent black men positively, she has also set that standard for black women. She has set goals, and accomplished them. She has defined being a “go getter.” Her attitude has set standards, and people are forced to live up to them. Omarosa may be brash, but her brashness has led her to gaining her doctorate from Howard University, working with the Clinton Administration, and now partnering with Donald Trump.
Although positive in many aspects, we have to remember that the show is still entertainment. There are still many sexual implications, and the typical dating show drama. But, I can say with certainty, that “The Ultimate Merger” is taking reality dating a step in the right direction.