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» »Unlabelled » Miley Cyrus Shares Senator Tom Cotton's Phone Number on Twitter

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Miley Cyrus Shares Senator Tom Cotton's Phone Number on Twitter:

Miley Cyrus has been among the most vocal celebrities rallying against Indiana's controversial Religious Freedom Restoration Act (RFRA). After calling Indiana Governor Mike Pence an "asshole" on Instagram, the Bangerz singer has now taken aim at Arkansas Senator Tom Cotton after the Republican made some questionable comments about LGBT rights on television. In response, Cyrus shared Cotton's phone number with her 19.4 million Twitter followers.

"Senator Cotton thinks gay community needs to get 'perspective' cuz 'In Iran they hang you for the crime of being gay,'" Cyrus tweeted (via Mediate). "Let's stir some shit up! Senator Cotton (202) 224-2353!!!! Happy Hippies call & express why freedom is important to us & our country!"

Cotton's remarks came after Arkansas Governor and fellow Republican Asa Hutchinson sent a bill that was similar to the RFRA back to that state's Senate so they could add anti-discriminatory language to the law.

In speaking to CNN's Wolf Blitzer, Cotton said, "I think it's important we have a sense of perspective about our priorities. In Iran, they hang you for the crime of being gay. They’re currently imprisoning an American preacher for spreading the gospel of Jesus Christ in Iran. We should focus on the most important priorities that our country faces right now."

Cotton was widely criticized for his comments, both for his naïve generalizing of Iran's LGBT stance as well as his belief that an act protecting LGBT rights in America isn't considered a priority. According to the Huffington Post, Cyrus' army accomplished their mission of "stirring shit up" as calls to Cotton's office were greeted by a message saying the voice mailbox was full.

After Indiana passed their RFRA, Cyrus explained that she was opposed to the bill because she had "dedicated my life to being whoever it is that I want to be." "If you don’t choose to live that way, you’re not going to last in this generation because we are overtaking you," Cyrus said. "They are dinosaurs, and they are dying off. We are the new generation, and with that will come so much."

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