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» » » Diva Disrespected: NeNe Leakes Speaks On Her Departure From ‘Celebrity Apprentice’

Unknown 10:10 0

By: Taren Vaughan

Known to viewers as the “Tell it like it is”, outspoken Real Housewife of Atlanta, NeNe Leakes has made her presence known on yet another popular reality TV show, “Celebrity Apprentice”. And as NeNe is used to stealing her piece of the spotlight with her animated personality and quick tongue, her reign on this show came to an end following a feud with former “The View” host Star Jones. After the show's host, billionaire Donald Trump, made some team changes after the airing of last night’s show, Leakes let it be known that she felt he was looking out for the best interest of Jones instead of herself:

“Trump was doing things to accommodate Star and not me.”

Leakes went on to say that she felt that the producers were trying to egg her on in an attempt to escalate the situation between her and Jones.

Of course Trump responded to NeNe’s accusations, in only a way that he knows how to do:

“The fact is she left ... she quit, she gave up. To you, NeNe, I say, you're fired. And you’re a quitter. And Star Jones kicked your ass whether you like it or not.”

Damn, Donald’s getting under everybody’s skin isn’t he?

Trump has already ruffled the feathers of the mass of Obama supporters with his, what many saw as demeaning, comments about the president’s so-called hidden birth certificate. Now he has pissed off a woman who has absolutely no problem speaking her mind when she feels the need to…none whatsoever.

As for Mrs. Leakes, was the “beef” between her and Star Jones really that deep? Or was it because she had to share a bit of the spotlight with someone else?

Judging by how NeNe got into it with a number of people on this past season of the Real Housewives of Atlanta, including her close confidant Dwight and Kim, who she has heated, ongoing battles with all the time, the blame could very well fall on her shoulders.
