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» » » Epic Fail of the Week: Rihanna Channels Her Inner Side Show Bob

Unknown 18:41 0

I'm all for big hair, but a Simpsons character impersonation? Not fabulous.

By: Amanda Anderson

Rihanna has been rocking the bold red hair for a little over a year now. We get it, she's daring, fierce, and a pop star rebel...but if you're going to do big hair, at least do it right. And by right, I mean don't end up looking like a full fledge human version of Side Show Bob. As a fellow big hair girl, I'm confused as to just what she was trying to achieve with this this epic fail of a wig.

What I have noticed lately is that Rihanna's whole style has gone from risky fab to just over the top drab. I'm not sure if she's changed stylists, but she is no longer the trend-setter she once was, and it might because her look has become more of a headline than an extra accessory we've all come to appreciate from the young star.

Is it possible that this look could grow on me--nope. Maybe if the wig wasn't bright red I wouldn't think of the   
half crazy former clown that stalks Bart and hopes to achieve the young boy's death.

I mean I half expected Krusty the Clown to make an appearance in the background.

I know we all want to switch up our look when we get bored, but Rihanna, this is an epic clown of a fail.
