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» » Sign It With Blood?: Smith Kids Get Asked For Unusual Autographs

Unknown 07:47 0

By: Taren Vaughan

There is no doubt about it that star siblings Jaden and Willow Smith have made a name for both themselves this past year. Willow has women of all ages whippin’ their hair while Jaden is showing off his acting skills on the big screen. The Smith kids have people all over simply falling in love with them. Fans have showed the two so much love in many ways. But some of them have taken it far beyond just asking for a simple autograph.

On their recent trip to London, Jaden and Willow were greeted by a young female fan, anxious to get their signatures. But her request was a bit stranger than usual.

Jaden Smith on the fan asking for an autograph:

“She was like, 'I fell and cut myself, but can I have your autograph?” “I was like, 'Do you have a pen?'”

Sister Willow Smith added her take after hearing the fan’s strange request:

“She was like, 'Sign it with blood.'”

Now you always hear about people wanting their heads, cheeks or for the more daring fanatics, body parts that are not supposed to be exposed to the naked eye signed. But trying to get a celebrity to sign their names with not their own blood, but someone else’s, is a new one on me. Hmm must be something popular over in London that we Americans know nothing about. At the age that they are at, I’m pretty sure they were at a lost for words. The next time someone asks for their famous signatures, hopefully someone will have a pen handy.
