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» » Weekly Fab Belle Guide: Red Nail Polish is Essential, How to Get Rid of Cellulite, Deals from New York and Company, And More

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Your quick guide to all things fabulous in beauty, fashion, literature, great deals and more.

Beauty Essentials

You gotta have...

a bottle of great red nail polish. While I suggest Opi, Sally Hansen, and Revlon; the brand isn't as important as the actual shade. There are many great shades of red polish, but the trick is to select a tone that works well with your complexion. Women of lighter shades should stay away from reds with orange undertones, as darker women rock deeper reds (crimsons) better than women of lighter tones. If you're in between, make your complexion glow with reds with blue undertones.

Red nail polish is a beauty essential because it's a classic shade of polish that will never go out of style. It will work well in any season, and has the right touch of classy and sexy. Make a statement with your nails with a great red polish.

Beauty Secrets

Did you know...

that a bristle brush is an excellent way to battle pesky cellulite? To eliminate cellulite, simply brush in slow sweeps toward the heart. If you try to do this a few minutes a day, you will see excellent results.

Bristle brushes (as well as loofa brushes), are easy to find in the bath aisles of your local drug stores. By sticking to a daily routine, cellulite will become thing of the past.

Fab Fashion Finds

Did you catch...

Tiffany and Co.'s new collection of handbags? The legendary jewelry company has launched it's very first line of handbags, and everyone from the Hollywood elite to the handbag obsessed can't wait to get their hands on these luscious bags.

The collection features a variety of styles, with prices ranging from $395 to $16,000. To get a glimpse of the entire collection, or pre-order your favorite, visit

Fashion Trends

As the fall draws near, make sure you incorporate one of the season's hottest looks in your wardrobe: the twisted top dress.

This look was a runway hit, and is stylish enough for just about any woman looking for a little twist to a classic look. Since it's a trend, this look should be easy to find, and affordable, as a range of designers will add their own spin to the style.

Fab Reads

Movies aren't always better than the books...

they were based on. And in this case, "Eat, Pray, and Love," is worth a read. Sure, the movie was fabulous, but the book itself is one of the most inspirational and raw portraits of life that I ever encountered at the hands of a Paper Back. A few days and even more chapters later, you'll want to experience life in a way that may just have you backpacking across the country. I guarantee you'll enjoy this book with a great glass of wine, and a quiet weekend that you owe to yourself anyway.

Classic Urban Belle

Urban Belle loves to keep up with the times, but that doesn't mean we don't write timeless pieces. We recommend for your viewing pleasure and entertainment:

Black women shouldn't count out love with other races, but we shouldn't count black men out either. White doesn't always equal better: White Men: A Black Woman's Knight in Shining Honor?

Sisters are rethinking relaxers and embracing their natural curls. While it's a beautiful thing, it can also be a scary thing if you don't do your research. Thinking about going natural, but need a little motivation? Get it here: Reasons to go Natural.

You may think you're in love, but you better make sure before you say it aloud: Be Careful When it Comes to the "L" Word.

Fab Sales

New York and Company is offering $30 off purchases of $75 or more. Take advantage here.

The Coach Factory is offering 20% of all purchases. Take advantage here.

Motivation for the Week

"Age wrinkles the body. Quitting wrinkles the soul."- Douglas MacAuthur

Have a fabulous week!
