Numbers Reveal the Recession Hit Single Mothers the Hardest
By: Amanda Anderson
The recession has been a dark moment for most Americans, as we continue to see the decline of jobs in industries that were once considered stable and recession proof, and watch retirement funds quickly disappear as the retired must consider going back to work. While the Obama Administration continues to steadily assure us that progress is taking place gradually, it does not numb the devastation that many of us continue to face as the jobs are lacking and the finances are dwindling.
As usual, African Americans are affected most in economic hardships, with the black race facing an unemployment rate that is twice the national percentage.
While a recent report insisted that African American women are faring better in the recession and employed in higher numbers than black men, a new study reveals that single mothers are still struggling, and black women may be in deeper trouble than what was originally reported. And single mothers are hurting more than ever as the country endures one of the most devastating hardships we've seen since the Great Depression.
A federal report, conducted by the Bureau of Labor Statistics, reveals that unemployment has surged tremendously for single women with children. Black and Hispanic women also lead the numbers in unemployment as the economy continues to slowly make progress.
Unemployment amongst single mothers has climbed to 13.4 percent in July from 12.1 percent in June. Overall, the nation totes an unemployment rate of 9.5 percent. This is the highest this group has ever been since December 2007, which marks the beginning of the economic downfall and the highest it's been in 25 years.
The report also reveals the unemployment rate for African American women climbed from 11.8 percent in June to 12.1 percent in July. However, black men are seeing better days, as their rate dropped from 11.3 percent in June to 10.2 percent in July.