Make Em’ Drool: Simple Steps to Beautiful Legs
Easy steps to fabulous legs.
By: Amanda Anderson
Every woman secretly wants a fabulous pair of legs. If you are anything like me, you are a sucker for beautiful dresses and skirts; and you actually prefer to show off your legs than wear jeans and pants. And if that’s the type of woman you are, you will benefit more from a gorgeous set of legs. Surgery isn’t required for beautiful legs, but a little change in your diet and exercise regime can whip your legs in shape in no time.
Here are some relatively simple ways to get the legs of your dreams and the kind of legs that will leave men drooling at your feet.
Drink plenty of water.
You don’t need any special diet drink or magical formula to get awesome legs. You just need a little more water in your diet. 10-12 glasses of water should do the trick. Also increase your intake of foods that contain plenty of water as well. Fruits and vegetables will work wonders.
Include plenty of exercises that will shape your legs.
Exercises like squats, lounges, and even walking will be beneficial in your quest to fabulous legs. Adding weight dumbbells to your workouts will also produce great results.
Reduce cellulite.
Cellulite is a pain in the ass, but you can reduce it by using a dry brush. When showering, use the dry brush on your legs in a circular motion. This will decrease the amount of cellulite on your legs.
Trade the sneakers in for stilettos.
This might sound so trivial and silly, but stilettos really do help create a beautiful set of legs. Heels require you to use your calf muscle more than flats, and ladies who wear stilettos quite often usually have great calf muscles. This isn’t a coincidence, it’s the doings of their stiletto addiction. Join them, and you too will have legs to die for.
If you wear heels at least two days out the week, you should be able to see a drastic change in your legs.
Shimmer a little.
In addition to a great moisturizer, use a light shimmer lotion on your legs to make your legs have a sexy glow. The shimmer lotion should be a shade darker than your natural complexion, and should be applied lightly. Shimmering lotion can also make your legs look slim.